Building a Collective Culture - The Warrigal Way

 Last year, I sat down to be interviewed for episode 1 of The Collective Question – a series that discusses the idea of creating a ‘collective’ purpose-driven team as a priority, and placing the needs of the group back to the centre of our corporate consciousness.

They speak to thought leaders and experts from around corporate Australia to learn from their experiences, and I was honoured to represent Warrigal and the aged care industry when I sat down to chat with one of the Boardroom Media reporters, Velvet-Belle Templeman.

We spoke about how to build a collective culture in the workplace through honesty, recognition, and collaboration, the challenges that we may face along the way, as well as what it means to be a part of The Warrigal Way.

If you’d like to watch the interview for yourself, click on the link here.


Warrigal CEO Mark Sewell sits down to be interviewed by 'The Collective Question'.

Contact us

2 Pine Street, Albion Park Rail, NSW 2527
PO Box 435 Albion Park, NSW 2527
Fax: 4257 4232

Toll free: 1800 WARRIGAL

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Volunteer with us

Warrigal was founded by volunteers and they continue to be vital to ensuring our residents happiness. From driving buses to regular visits, even assisting with our business operations, we have many varied opportunities for anyone who would like to donate their time, energy and skills to Warrigal’s residents.

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