Warrigal CEO Jenni Hutchins discusses equity


This International Women’s Day, we asked our CEO Jenni Hutchins some questions about her thoughts on the meaning of the day, and how #Warrigal is embracing equity.

See her thoughts below.

What does embracing equity mean to you?

Embracing equity, particularly gender equity, means that men and women are treated fairly, equally and are compensated in equivalent terms for their work. Women, for generations have worked hard to be seen and have their voices heard. This includes arguing for the right to vote, the right to be educated and the right to equal pay. They have done this, often, whilst leading families, being single parents, caring for children and parents.

How is Warrigal currently embracing equity/promoting female empowerment in the workplace?

Diversity of gender, culture and age brings a richness of thinking, innovation and reward to Organisations. As a human services Organisation, Warrigal embraces equity – both for our clients and customers as well as our employees. Over 85% of our employees are women, half of our Board are women and the same can be said for our executive team. One of the particular joys of this role has been listening to our older women – women in their 90’s who started the fight for gender equality, for rights for women, to be treated fairly – and hearing them say that they are proud that the new CEO is a woman. It reminds me of the generations of work that has gone on before us and our responsibility to keep up the work, to keep fighting for equity, for equality and for difference in the workplace. Research shows that women add value to the workplace in many ways.

Two of our greatest tools at Warrigal are our signature behaviours (called The Warrigal Way) and our values. Warrigal is a values-based not-for-profit. We recognise the richness in culture and how that builds productivity and skills in the workplace. Warrigal’s workforce, a workforce focussed on our clients, leans in on these values and behaviours to create an environment that supports all women to reach their heights in terms of career and aspirations.

As CEO what is your vision for how Warrigal will further embrace equity for women in the workplace?

Workplace culture has to be at the centre of how we embrace equity. Having succession plans, building career and employee programs that enable success, recognising challenges in people’s home lives and working with them. Acknowledging the impact of trauma and working with it. Adopting Domestic and Family Violence Leave. Regarding women as skilled and integral to Warrigal’s success, providing women with the opportunity, skills and tools to succeed, mentoring women to be successful – being an ally in a woman’s quest to grow and build her career. Being grateful, humble and thankful.

What do you think we can do to empower women in the workplace, particularly aged care?

Acknowledging women’s role in human services – Look. At. The. Stats. Overwhelmingly women. If we pause and ask why, we would recognise the broader familial, connecting and community roles women play in the community and workforce. Our role is to show that women can do anything. Women can be the CEO of their own lives, they can direct their passion, their interest, their career, their life. Validating women’s roles and their importance is vital in aged care. At Warrigal, we are helping families traverse through some of the toughest stages of the life span – ageing and dying. Our employees do this with such dignity and respect. As a society, it would be great to see us respect the important, honouring work this is.

What do you think women bring to the workplace, particularly in leadership roles?

I AM SHOUTING EMPATHY! EMPATHY! EMPATHY! Sorry for shouting, but empathy, caring, experience, love. Women bring their soft skills to leadership. Soft skills are just as important as hard skills.

Do you have any messages or advice for women wanting to grow their careers?

Lean on other women to help you. Be aspirational. It is OK to be aspirational. Surround yourself with other women who will push you to try what you thought you couldn’t do. Be humble, gracious and be kind.



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2 Pine Street, Albion Park Rail, NSW 2527
PO Box 435 Albion Park, NSW 2527
Email: warrigal@warrigal.com.au
Fax: 4257 4232

Toll free: 1800 WARRIGAL

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