Shell Cove Funding Win

Warrigal is proud to have received a $17m allocation from the Restart NSW Illawarra Infrastructure fund to build a residential care home and community hub for older people at the Shell Cove Marina.

The objective of the Restart funds is to support new infrastructure projects in the Illawarra that open new economic opportunities and drive economic growth, making the Illawarra a better place to work, live and do business.

Warrigal’s new Shell Cove Residential Care Home and community hub will be an innovative open community where older people will be able to continue living as they choose. They’ll have optional access to every type of care service provided in Australia, all at the one location. It will be the most innovative care service Australia has ever seen.

Warrigal has developed services for older people in Shellharbour for 46 years and now will create the first piece of superlot infrastructure at the new Shell Cove Marina. The NSW Government saw that Warrigal’s application made very good economic sense. The service will deliver 366 jobs during construction with $43.3m injected into the construction sector, along with128 direct care jobs when finished with a contribution of $166.6m to economic output, all for a public kick-start investment of $17m.

“As the most recent IRIS economic report shows, health care and social assistance is now ranked as the most significant provider of jobs in our region, with residential aged care providers ranked as the second fastest growth area for employment. With these funds we will be able to begin creating new jobs to the area within months” says a very excited Warrigal CEO Mark Sewell.

As a result of receiving approval for their Shell Cove proposal, Warrigal believes that older people within the region and the wider community will benefit immensely, making the Shell Cove Marina precinct a great place to call home. These new services will also alleviate some of the huge pressure on our public health system and the big and growing demand for affordable and local aged care places.

“I’m pleased to see that the NSW Government has chosen Warrigal with its unique approach, one based on helping older people to continue to be themselves with staff who are trained in our values based employment methods. This will enable lots of nurses, carers, physios, cleaners, gardeners, cooks and others to get great local jobs with a trusted community owned employer who has been around for 46 years. We now have 750 staff at 10 locations and keep winning employment awards for being an employer of choice”  says Mr Sewell.

To register your interest for the new community and get in first to live at Warrigal Shell Cove you can contact Warrigal’s Customer Service team on 1800 626 670, or go to  to find out more.


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2 Pine Street, Albion Park Rail, NSW 2527
PO Box 435 Albion Park, NSW 2527
Fax: 4257 4232

Toll free: 1800 WARRIGAL

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